Barbarella--Queen of the Galaxy

1968 Science Fiction

Rating: 13/20

Plot: A whore is given the task of saving the universe. A robot makes innuendos, and Jane Fonda writhes and moans. Several wardrobe malfunctions and explosions later, Barbarella saves the galaxy while simultaneously giving me an erection.

Psychedelic and goofy fun with special effects that make Star Wars and 2001 look like movies that have much bigger budgets. They ain't got Jane Fonda, however! Jane Fonda's legs should have won an Academy Award, and if there was some kind of award for best sex scene ever, the stimulatingly spicy scene between the title character and Dildono (I've actually spelled his name wrong here, but this is how it should have been spelled) would win without question.

I really did enjoy this movie and not just because of the spiciness. It was visually interesting and since it never even thought of taking itself seriously, remained fun throughout. I also noted that both Duran Duran and Matmos got their names from this movie although I did see that the character and weird watery substance in the movie had names that were spelled differently.

Special note: This makes the second movie in a row that I've watched with Marcel Marceau in it. Complete coincidence.

Here I am becoming aroused:


  1. i miss the pics of you watching the movies. finally watched this. loved the set design and costumes. i want to live in that city i'll be the evil queens "pretty pretty". reminded me of a softporn version of flash gordon.

  2. There is a pornographic Flash Gordon--Flesh Gordon. I believe there were two of them made. I saw parts and was entertained--more funny than arousing.

    I regret all of those pictures. I'm not sure what I was thinking with that, and if I wasn't so lazy, I'd probably go in and delete them all. That's not a face that belongs on the Internet.
