
2005 documentary

Rating: 10/20 (Jen: 9/20)

Plot: Two English demonstrators are sued by McDonald's after refusing to apologize for comments made in a flyer. They represent themselves in a court case against the clown's money and expensive lawyers. The court case lasts almost as long as this movie seemed to have lasted. Lives are touched, and McDonald's ceases to be a corporation.

Very cheaply made and completely unengaging (Jen's word), a documentary without any style at all. There was substance though, lots of information that everybody either knows or should probably know about McDonald's role in the environment (flimsy, possibly faulty cause-and-effect propaganda here), animal cruelty (some scenes not for the squeamish), advertising strategies (although really, if this is news to people...), their treatment of employees, and the lack of nutritional value in the food (again, if this is news...). Unfortunately, everything came across as self important, and some scenes/interviews were completely pointless. The funniest part of the film might have been when the male defendant revealed that he and the female defendant were not involved sexually. Other parts of this equally dopey, especially the use of actors in courtroom reenactments. And heck, the movie started with a Star Wars-esque text scroll!

Note: I would have given this bonus points if the Hamburglar or Grimace were interviewed.

Jen and I watching McLibel:

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