Wild at Heart

1990 romantic comedy

Rating: [I have rewatched this. See the new review here.]

Plot: Sailor Ripley, released from prison following a killing in self defense, flees with his girlfriend Lula against the will of the Wicked Witch of the West. They encounter some weird people, grotesque automobile accidents, and the horrors of the crazy world while a pair of bounty hunters are sort of hot on their trail. They also smoke a lot of cigarettes and have sex. A lot.

[See new review here. I rewatched this.]

I still contend that every single movie should have Crispin Hellion Glover in it. Not a lot of Crispin Hellion Glover, but enough.


  1. Did you ever see Glover's appearance on Letterman? He was aiming kung fu moves at Letterman's head- I've never seem him so pissed. Priceless. I couldn't make it through this movie about 10 years ago. I can't tell you why but I thought it sucked. Lynch needs to be in therapy rather than a director's chair. How do you choose your films? I see "Wristcutters" is next. Do you go dumpster diving? I anxiously await another "Cory recommends" since "Midnight" was so long ago. I was joking about Kurosawa, by the way.

  2. I did see that. Glover was wearing those big shoes and must have underestimated his reach. That, and he was floatin' sky high. Whatever he'd taken prior to the appearance must have reacted with the spangles on Paul Schaffer's jacket or something.

    You didn't think 'Wild at Heart' was hilarious? There was a weirdness-for-the-sake-of-weirdness thing going on that I can see would annoy a lot of people. The worst thing about the movie, I think, is that it seems like it was made about 11 years before it actually was.

    You don't like any Lynch? I like idiosynchracy in direction, and I like when directors take chances. I have to be in a certain mood to watch them, but I like Lynch's movies for the most part.

  3. I thought "Mulholland Drive" was OK and I thought "Blue Velvet" was tolerable until it got so depressing that I felt like slashing my wrists, so no. I'm not big on weird just for weirds sake. I could do that. I am interested in seeing "Eraserhead" someday, though.
