Bee Movie

2007 cartoon

Rating: 12/20 (Dylan: 4/20; Emma: 13/20; Abbey: 19/20; Jen: zzzzz)

Plot: Benny has just graduated from bee high school or bee university, apparently majoring in lame puns. He's all set to get a honey of a job (ha ha!), a job that, he is dismayed to hear, he will be stuck with for the rest of his life. He decides to investigate the world outside the hive, develops a crush on a big-bootied woman named Vanessa after she saves his life when David Puddy tries to kill him, and then, after finding out that human beings use honey, decides to sue the human race.

If Benny's stinger ain't a phallic symbol, I don't know what is! Bee Movie starts disastrously, but it does build some momentum and contains some cleverly funny moments here and there. Maybe the nicest thing I can say about this is that it's occasionally cute. The parts meant to appeal to children didn't appeal to me, a child, and I didn't once like the main character. Or really any of the characters. Ray Liotta has a very funny cameo, but other cameos (Sting, Larry King) reminded me why I don't like Dreamworks movies very much. I could have sworn there was a Larry King character in another Dreamworks movie. Shark Tale? It also the Dreamworks' trademark 1960's pop song remade needlessly by some current hip artist except this time somebody thought Sheryl Crow was hip enough for that sort of thing. Because really, why would you want to hear the Beatles when you can hear Sheryl Crow singing the Beatles? I did like some of the voice talent (Jen was waiting for Patrick Warburton but fell asleep before his character's introduction since it was after the first ten minutes of the movie; John Goodman seems to be doing a lot of these things), but Jerry Seinfeld's voice really annoyed me. Nobody wants to listen to a bee screaming for nearly an hour and a half. Also, the animation was a little rubbery, looking more like a Toy Story contemporary than something released in 2007, and the action sequences (of which there were far too many) had too much going on and gave me vertigo which probably means I will no longer be able to walk on stilts to impress big-bootied women. Way to go, Bee Movie! You've ruined my love life.


  1. Good review except I thought the first half(until the friend bee stings Goodman(although Goodman is overused in so many of these things that I might give my life to sting him myself(by the way, male honeybees are lowly workers and sex toys, and don't have stingers (so I guess they do have a euphemistic stinger))))(I love parenthesis) was much better than the ridiculous ending. I also can't stand Seinfeld's voice and the pun overload. I love Warburten in everything and he should star with Crispin Glover in every movie from now on. This may be a worse Dreamworks movie than "Shark Tale", which means they should stay far away from Larry King (as should all of us)First half: 16, second half: 3

  2. Was Larry King really in 'Shark Tale' then?
    Yeah, the ending was really really stupid. Really, I guess I just liked the middle part.
    I'll get a letter started re: Crispin Glover and Patrick Warburten.
    Second half three? That's harsh! Does this mean you're rating would have been a 9.5? I believe that would be a fifth higher than I rated that terrible shark movie but only a little less than the 'Shrek' movies which I also hate.

  3. I think the 3 only covers 31.64 percent of the movie (4 percent of the movie is the stupidest ending ever which is worth a 1) The Crow thing is a wash because, while they had Crow sing it, at least they had the taste to choose "The Beatles". I give the standard Warburten bonus of 4 points and a 2 point Seinfeld voice deduction. The colors in this and it's general sunniness add 2 where the drearyness and Will Smith's suckiness drop "Shark Tale" by infinity.
    Final totals are "Bee Movie" 11, "Shark Tale" 8.

    Bonus grades are:
    Shrek- 17
    Shrek 2- 18
    Shrek 3- 12

  4. That math gave me a headache...

    It's unlikely that I'll ever see that third Shrek movie...I doubt either of the first two would earn higher than a 12 from me.

    'Over the Hedge' was pretty good. I even thought that after seeing it on an airplane.
