Pee Wee's Big Adventure

1985 children's movie

Rating: 15/20 (Dylan: 12/20; Emma: 17/20; Abbey: 16/20)

Plot: A borderline psychotic man-child has his prized possession, his bicycle, stolen. The title adventure is had as Pee Wee, following a tip from a fortune teller, heads to the basement of the Alamo to find the bicycle.

Hit and miss entertainment that both children and adults can sort of enjoy. Burton does a good job bringing Pee Wee's world to life for the duration of a full-length film in a way that doesn't become completely obnoxious, filling the screen with lots of color and stuff to look at. There are a few fun spoofs, some clever visual gags, and some memorably bizarre characters. There are also some moments where unfortunately things have been stretched pretty thin, and the climactic scene on a Hollywood set seems pretty derivative. Danny Elfman's score is really good though, and Paul Reubens, an enormously talented shoulda-been, is fun to watch for the most part. As a father, I wish the characters were a little nicer though. It's hard to root for Pee Wee at times because he's not always a very likable guy. Still, this sails along at a great pace and is entertaining even though it lacks the manic imagination of the television series. It also lacks Paul Reubens masturbation, but that's probably good since it's a kid's movie and all.

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