Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

2008 musical supervillain comedy

Rating: 12/20

Plot: All Dr. Horrible wants is to be admitted into the Evil League of Evil, run by the notoriously evil Bad Horse. Oh, and he also wants the girl he sees biweekly at the laundromat. But his nemesis, Captain Hammer, is standing in the way.

Doesn't Neil Patrick Harris have better things to do with his time? I don't know what this thing is. It's too short to be a real movie, but it has a beginning, a middle, and sort-of-an-end like a real movie. It's divided into three acts, and as Act Three was ending, I was sort of annoyed that I had two more acts to watch. Then, the credits came. This has quirkiness to spare, as quirky as you'd expect a musical superhero movie to be, but there's nothing actually funny. The songs aren't terrible, but they're not great either. The story is interesting enough, but it


  1. Shabazz,

    I came to love Whedon late in the game. I skipped Buffy and Angel, but my love for Firefly (and his run on Astonishing X Men)are ocean deep and mt. high.

    He did DHSB out of his own pocket during the writers strike, and the lack of studio oversite are gone, with both good and bad results.

    I would give this a 17/20. The songs are catchy, and man o man do I love me some Cap. Hammer.

    Jazz Hands Johnson

  2. Anonymous and I agree on something! "Firefly" and "Serenity" are great, but I really think you should check out "Buffy". After an uneven first season and a half, it becomes amazing! It's my second favorite TV series after "The Simpsons". "Angel" is also very good, particularly the 3rd through the 5th season.

  3. Kairow,

    I read a little about this after typing all this out and realized that I had probably been a little too harsh. I still don't love it, but you're right...the songs aren't too bad. This is harmless enough, and I do like Neil Harris (see, I'm going to refuse to use his middle name from now on) in it.

    Anyway, I adjusted the rating slightly. I'm allowed to do that because it's my blog and I make the rules.

  4. Apparently, we commented at about the same time, Cory...

    First, this is a different anonymous. My brother hasn't left a comment for a long time. He cares a lot less about his spelling and grammar and capitalization though.

    I've never seen any of those television shows, by the way. I think Anonymous probably has seen Buffy now. He likely watched it on dvd.

  5. As blog-master, can you encourage the use of names? Having a brother, a jerk, and now a 3rd anonymous gets a little confusing.

  6. I could. I could set things so that I couldn't even get anonymous comments. However, I think you're smart enough to figure out who is who. If another Anonymous (Steve? You out there? Randall?) comes on board, things might get confusing, but the Anonymous who liked 'Orphan' too much probably isn't coming back (I was hoping though...), and the other two Anonymouses are easy to distinguish, aren't they? My brother rarely comments anyway.

  7. Ok, enough with the "Which one is he?

    Now I have a profile.

    Screw you guys.



  8. Screw you, too!


    Boneless Chuck
