
2009 zombie comedy

Rating: 10/20

Plot: The world is crawling with zombies, just like in every other zombie movie. And there are only a few survivors, just like in every other zombie movie. There's a nerdy virgin with a set of rules that have helped him survive the zombie epidemic, and there's Woody Harrelson, probably playing a character named Woody, who is your typical action hero, albeit one with a hankerin' for a Twinkie. They drive in search of survivors and run into a pair of swindling sisters. The four eventually decide to drive to an amusement park because all kinds of nifty zombie killin' effects can happen there! Just like in every other zombie movie.

This movie is stupid, unapologetically stupid. I'm not sure the world needed another zombie comedy (see the slightly better [as I recall (since it's also more than slightly forgettable)] Shawn of the Dead and the [also not funny but at least visually different] Fido) yet. When I want a zombie comedy, I'll just watch the satirical Dawn of the Dead again. It's not nearly as flashy, and it doesn't have Woody Harrelson in it, but it's got style and originality, things that Zombieland lacks. I didn't laugh a single time. I think I needed a laugh track or something to let me know what was actually supposed to be funny. I did kind of like the film references in the dialogue. The closest this actually gets to funny is a cameo appearance from an always-reliable funnyman, but that whole segment of the movie actually felt pretty contrived. Actually, the only reason why I'm glad I watched this movie is because it made me type all these words, including the word funnyman, which reminds me how much I like to use the word funnyman. "Who's on Letterman tonight, Shane?" "Why, it's funnyman David Cross!" Sonically, visually, make-uppily, action-ally, plottily, and characterily, this is all been-there/done-that. And the worst thing is that there'll probably be a sequel. I won't see it though.


  1. I totally loved Sean Of The Dead. Multiple times. So when I saw a trailer for this one I was less than impressed. Watched it anyway and thought it was okay. the romance stuff was lame but slow mo blowin' up shit was okay. 14

  2. This is half of a very good and quirky film. I really enjoyed the rules, them being tricked by the girls (twice), and the overall tone. I never thought I would say this, but I like Woody Harrelson and what he brings to almost every role he's involved with.

    The Murray appearance was actually too cutesy (look, the "KingPin" stars are together again), fairly unbelievable (even for a zombie movie), and very distracting.

    After Murray stupidly does what he does (bad acting, by the way), the film falls apart. It becomes overly sentimental and even more unbelievable (if they are dumb enough to go to a lighted theme-park at night, then I WANT them to get eaten). A lame second half marrs a good black comedy and brings it down to a 14.

    Sidenote: I don't think they ever actually kiss, and along with Jennifer Garner never kissing Ricky Gervais(?) in "The Invention of Lying", I'm developing a theory about either directors or the actresses not allowing a hot girl to kiss inferior looking guys.

  3. "Do you have any regrets, Bill Murray?"
    "Maybe Garfield."

    Woody Harrelson is a guilty pleasure.

    RE: your sidebar...I'm going to need more evidence.

  4. Eh, I give this one a 15 or 16. It was just a fun movie that has some clever scenes. It certainly was more entertaining than drivel a Serious Man. (That was for you Shane.)

  5. At least I laughed while watching 'A Serious Man'...'Zombieland' delivered no laughs.

  6. have to agree. 10. amy was wondering where the plot was the whole time. i tried to explain, "amy it's a zombie roadtrip movie. zombie roadtrip movies don't need a plot." she didn't buy it though. it was pretty obvious to all that somehow "zombie" bill murray was going to die when we realised he wasn't a zombie. cory is wrong they kiss.

  7. What did you think of the kid in this one? He was in this and 'Adventureland' and I've decided I don't like him. It's not a love/hate thing like with what I have for Nic Cage either. It's more like a Christian Bale hatred. Thing is, I don't even know why I don't like him. He seems harmless enough, unlike Bale.
