Superman II

1980 sequel

Rating: 14/20 (one point lower than the first one; I had to change the first one to a 15/20 to make that happen)

Plot: After a lengthy recap of the first movie (Superman: The Movie), it's revealed that the nuclear bomb Superman hurled into space exploded and made the three leather-clad villains from Krypton 3-D again. They come to the first planet with one sun, conveniently the same planet that Superman is on, in order to rule. Meanwhile, Superman is keeping very busy with his goal of trying to get into Lois Lane's pants. (SPOILER ALERT!) It works, and she understands exactly what all that Man of Steel stuff is all about if you know what I mean. You're a mature reader, so I'm pretty sure you do! Lex Luther escapes from prison and tries to hook up with the visitors, each with Superman's powers, while Superman himself actually makes the decision to give up his powers, presumably because of the sex.

1) What the hell? My memory must be terrible because I do not remember that Superman FLIES AROUND THE WORLD REALLY FAST TO REVERSE TIME in this sequel just like he did in the first movie. Come on! They thought that was a good enough idea to use twice?

2) I completely forgot to mention this in my review of Warning from Space, but there's an idea from that movie that had to have been stolen by the Superman people for both of these Superman movies. You know the hula hoops that are used to imprison the leather-clad bad guys on Krypton? That identical image is used in Warning from Space!

3) Speaking of the leather-clad bad guys, they're the antagonists in this one. They're cool. Marlon Brando alludes to Irsa's perversions within a minute and a half of this one. What a tease! I really like Terence Stamp (The Collector and Phantom Menace, the best of the Star Wars movies) as General Zod, especially at the end of one scene where he seems to have forgotten the rest of his line and just decides to yell his name. "Zod!" Irsa's cool, too. The thug with the menacing beard doesn't say anything, but the other two have some great lines. I especially like the scenes involving their acclimation with their new home. And Zod's response to Perry Mason's warning that there's a man who'll never kneel ("Who is this imbecile?") is really great.

4) The special effects are good. I especially like the scene that takes place on the moon. There are two scenes as embarrassing as the scene with rubber-legged Clark racing the train though. Both involve somebody falling, the first Lois Lane after she stupidly leaps from the window to test her theory that Clark is Superman (Why didn't she just toss Jimmy out?) and the second when a boy falls at Niagara. Is that even possible by the way?

5) Speaking of Lois-jumping-from-the-window scene: Wouldn't she have suffered some awful injuries bouncing off a canopy onto a vegetable stand?

6) One more thing about that scene: I love Clark Kent's answer to his boss's question about where Lois Lane went. "She just stepped out." There are a lot of really funny lines in this movie, and a lot of humor that just falls completely flat. The NASA guy's line about somebody turning on a hair dryer after the tragedy on the moon was really bad. I expected a second NASA guy to turn to him and say, "Too early, NASA guy. Too early."

7) There's a "flying date" reprise, or at least the threat of one, but it's sans the bad poetry so that's ok. There's also a scene where the bearded guy flies with Lex Luther which is likely the hottest scene in the history of superhero movies.

8) As I said earlier, some of the comic relief in this works great. I still love the stuff with Otis and Lex and later with Ms. Teschmacher and Lex, but both of those characters (the ones not named Lex) aren't in the movie very long. Ms. Teschmacher flushing a toilet at Superman's ice house is pretty funny though.

9) Once Zod(!), perverse Irsa, and Beardo arrive on earth, they run into a couple cops who get some great lines. "Hey, hippies, get off the road!" is my favorite line in the movie. What the hell would make that guy think they're hippies? And then his partner used the exclamation "Holy skunk sweat!" which almost made me want to attack my neighbor with hedge clippers.

10) The scene where Clark Kent gets beat up is hard to watch. These truck drivers had to think that Clark Kent was the biggest pansy in the world. "M-m-my blood. My blood." At least he wasn't wearing the tights.

11) Oh, my favorite line in this or any other movie that has ever been made: Lex Luther's "Funny is a person trying to smile without any teeth."

12) This is a thinly-veiled propaganda piece about the evils of premarital sex or, to put it less controversially, a commercial for abstinence.

13) Everything Marlon Brando or his giant head says or does in this movie is goofy. When he's combining Kryptonean philosophy with Beach Boys lyrics, things just get ridiculous.

14) Favorite scene: The top of the Empire State Building has been laser-eyed off and is falling to the street below! What's a guy standing below do in response? Turn his back and cover up his head, of course! That'll save him!

15) I love the product placement in this. I'm not sure why Marlboro and Coca Cola thought that people would want to rush out and buy their products just from watching a superhero or super villain fly through one of their signs. And when Superman ludicrously flies around the earth really fast and repairs the Coca Cola sign? I'm sure there's a pro-capitalism subtext there to go along with the abstinence message.

16) This movie ends with a bang like all good superhero action movies should--Clark Kent back in the restaurant taking care of a truck driver who mistreated him earlier in the movie. Reeve's delivery of a line about how he's never seen "garbage eating garbage before" is delivered with such gusto that the man should win some kind of posthumous lifetime achievement award where the audience at the awards event is forced to watch a loop of him saying that line for at least two hours. I'm not even kidding.

17) This isn't as good as the first Superman movie. Some of the whimsy and novelty is gone, and although the big fight scene with the bad guys is pretty exciting, it's almost numbed by some of the goofiness that takes place afterward.

18) Oh, one more question: How did Lex Luther know about the relationship between Lois and Superman?

19) Marlon Brando's chest "S" still bugs me.


  1. Awesome review!

    Did you ever review "The Limey"? I'm too lazy to look it up. Zod! was great in that.

    Just curious, did you see John Landis's director's cut of this. We have it at the library.

    Brando's chest "S" pissed me off too. It presumes S doesn't stand for Superman.

    I still remember seeing this as a kid and being really pissed at Lois.

  2. I liked this movie less than the first one....(A lot of people like it better. I do not get those people)

    The issues with this are.

    1-Superman turns into a simpering wimp when he does not have super powers, then he turns into a superbully when he gets those powers back. I did not like him at all in either situation.

    2-Whats with the new super powers? Some sort of finger ray at the end? The Superman "S" becoming an annoying plastic wrap? Why the holy hell does Superman, of all heroes, need MORE powers?

    3-Margot Kidder. Damn she looks strung out all the way through this film. Annoying and useless.

    There are a bunch of things I did like.

    ZOD---Amazing that you can have a villain after the perfect Lex Luthor that is just as entertaining and interesting. KNEEL BEFORE ZOD. Ursa and Non are fine too, in limited roles.

    Special effects...very good. Love it when Ursa tosses that manhole cover at Superman.

    Christopher Reeve is still the best Superman possible. He did four of these movies, the last one a decade removed from the first. He was always in character, and always looked good in the tights. That is pretty impressive, when you consider how often actors in roles like this get fat, or lose their hair or whatever in that amount of time.

    I would give this film a 17. Those fight scenes and the thrills given easily overcome its huge flaws.

  3. No, I don't have 'The Limey' on here. I'll get it on here in a couple months after I do some other things. I do have another Terence Stamp movie coming soon though!

    According to my half-assed investigatin', the "S" is a Kryptonian family crest and not an "S" at all. Apparently, the whole thing was Brando's idea.

    Everybody seems pissed at Lois Lane. And Barry, Margot really was strung out during this, wasn't she? But speaking of annoying, Jimmy sure didn't have much to do in this movie.

    I don't think the Richard Pryor 'Superman' movie will ever find its way to this blog. Maybe that new one eventually. It seems to be on cable quite a bit.

    I didn't pay any attention to how Reeve looked in his tights.

  4. Margot Kidder is bat shit is a brief look at her struggles from Wikipedia.

    "Kidder has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, which led to a widely publicized manic episode in 1996. Kidder was found in undergrowth by Los Angeles police in a distressed state, and placed in psychiatric care.[9] Kidder calls her depression "Her Monsters"."

    She is just plain weird. Been married three times...none of those marriages lasted more than a year.

  5. Great. Now that I've read that, I'm suddenly strangely attracted to her. Think she'd be interested in a younger guy?

  6. I bet she would take you in, and make you her child groom, in a heartbeat.

    Right before she stabbed you to death with a rusty train spike.

  7. Perfect! I have a rusty train spike fetish.

  8. A 14... of course.

    I think Barry made some interesting criticisms about Superman's extra powers. I wouldn't call him a superbully as he only got the guy's pants dirty and pushed him into a pinball machine. He takes on three bad guys by himself so I wouldn't call him a wimp. We all agree about Margot Kidder.

    As for flying back through time and Lois falling out a window on purpose, when did that happen?

    This is an extremely entertaining sequel (a rarity) that has fun characters and dialogue(as mentioned), a brisk pace with good action, and a solid, often edgy story. Clark has a chance to be like everyone else and be married (which he wisely gets the hell out of). It does have a few flaws and also gets a point less than the original, a 19. The fact that you gave "Watchmen" a better grade is just wrong.

  9. Trust me...the 14 is generous.

    'Watchmen' is more original and has a hell of a lot more to say. Better movie.

    Lois Lane jumps out the window fairly early, right after she starts to suspect that Clark is Superman. She says, "Superman wouldn't let me fall to my death!" and then takes the plunge.

    He flies around the world at the end, makes it all go back to the beginning before the nuclear bomb blast frees the bad guys. And, of course, this gets everything back to a time before Lois Lane knew that Clark and Superman were the same guy.

    I believe the version I watched was some kind of director's cut. Maybe those were deleted scenes?

    Sorry, Clark going back to that dive to beat on the trucker is just out of character. That's not what Superman's about. Neither is being selfish and wanting Lois Lane more than he wants to help others.

    By the way, 'Aztec Mummy vs. the Human Robot' (or some other seems to have lots of them) is being shown on TCM very early Saturday morning. It's a classic, a 2/20...just a heads-up.

  10. She falls into the river on purpose in the version I have seen, not out a window. He also does not fly back in time. How 'bout we just agree that the non-director's cut should be graded higher and is far superior to the "Watchmen" which gets NO credit for originality since it is completely based on a graphic novel. If nothing else, that film is 2:40 of suck!

    I agree that it wasn't really Superman-like, but don't bully truckers bring out the worst in all of us? As for giving up the superhero gig for Lois, wouldn't anybody?

    Do you want to make "Aztec..." a "five" since I am behind, anyway?

  11. Falls in a river? I bet the special effects were better with that version.

    'Aztec v. Robot' is truly awful. Of course, I recommend it!
