Rating: 10/20
Plot: Documentarians risk their lives and chronicle a year in the life of the titular West Virginia family, the most famous member being the subject of Dancing Outlaw.
I'm getting too old for this shit. My late-30s has transformed me into something stuffy. I think I would really have gotten a kick out of something like this in my younger days, but this drifting and pointless look at this family filled with not a single likable individual just managed to depress and bore me. I distracted myself by wondering what Hank Williams III was doing with these people and whether or not the documentarians were using the Whites didactically or if they were just kind of being made fun of. I didn't care either way. I imagine this sort of entertainment is analogous to a Jersey Shore or The Whorish Housewives of Wherever or something like that. Early on, a police guy or maybe he was the county prosecutor or something brought up a kid "from a humble background" going to MIT and wondered why he wasn't being followed around with a camera. It was actually a really good point.
Yeah, I loved the Dancing Outlaw but couldn't make it through this shit.