American History X

1998 movie

Rating: 14/20

Plot: A guy with a giant swastika tattoo on his chest goes to prison for curb-stomping a guy who was attempting to steal his car. By the time he gets out, he's decided that black people aren't so bad after all and wants out of the white supremest club he's in. Danny, a little brother who emulates big brother in every way, doesn't understand Derek's transformation. Derek wants to start over and keep his little brother from following in his hateful footsteps.

Fun trivia: The two Edwards grab a bite to eat in the same little coffee shop that they try to kick Walter out of for screaming about toes in The Big Lebowski.

Am I wrong for thinking that this is extremely well done but ultimately pretty pointless? The acting's good, especially Norton who takes on a dangerous role and runs with it. The difference between his body's shape here and his body shape in other movies from around the same time is almost shocking. There's a look Norton gives while being arrested that is one of those movie moments that you'll never forget. It's a powerful performance in a powerful story, but it doesn't really add up to a powerful movie. I didn't like the other Edward in this one, pouty Furlong who is just a bit too feminine in this movie. The colorized present contrasting with the black and white flashbacks thing was an effective device. This really is a great movie in bits and pieces. I just wish those bits and pieces built something a little more meaningful.


  1. furlong was furlong. this is the same character he always plays. not my man crush but he is cute, so i dont mind him looking feminine. and fairuza looked good with short hair and crazy racist eyes. i wanted to give it more than 14 but there were too many holes, like why is the principal of the school working with the police? also the news footage of norton being interviewed after his fathers death was laughable.

  2. I do often judge movies based on how attracted I am to the male actors portraying the characters, but Furlong doesn't do it for me. He's looks too much like those 80s heart throbs I punched in teen girl magazines.
