Shane Watches a Bad Movie with Friends on Facebook: ThanksKilling

2009 horror-comedy

Rating: 2/20 (Josh: -20, Fred: 6/20, Libby: -5/20; Ratboy: ?/20 [Ratboy claimed to like this but was inebriated.])

Plot: Killer turkey.

This is the kind of movie that could ruin friendships. I have a much higher tolerance than most for bad movies, but this is the kind that I can barely tolerate. What makes it especially bad--and in a very non-entertaining way--is that it's supposed to be funny. Unfortunately, it fails at that, too, and no, I'm not forgetting the three "jokes" about Jonbenet Ramsey. So it fails as a horror movie, and it fails as a comedy. That's what we call a double fail. There's a sequel to this called ThanksKilling 3. Yep, the makers of this can't even count correctly. I'm not wasting any more of my time on this movie.

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