Bad Movie Club: Warlock 3: The End of Innocence

1999 straight-to-video sequel

Bad Movie Rating: 1/5 (Fred: refused to rate because it was not a bad movie; Johnny: see Fred; Josh: 1/5; Carrie: no rating; Libby: no rating; Tami: not sure if started)

Rating: 8/20

Plot: A college kid inherits a creepy house, and the devil's kid tries to use it to summon his dad. Or something--it's been a while, and the plot of this one isn't that memorable.

This was a bad Bad Movie Club movie because it wasn't really that bad of a movie. Don't get me wrong--it wasn't a good movie. It just wasn't really bad enough. I have no interest in any other Warlocks.

At least it had this in it:

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