2015 animated prequel
Rating: 10/20 (Buster: 20/20)
Plot: The little yellow guys try to find a bad guy to latch onto, but throughout history, they don't have a lot of luck. They retreat to an icy cave. Eventually, a trio of brave Minions venture out to find a villain, and they think they've gotten lucky when they discover Scarlet Overkill.
One movie was probably just about enough for these sort-of annoying characters. Of course, this movie made 1.157 billion dollars, so what the hell do I know?
I kind of liked the idea behind the movie, a Minions origin story, but Illumination Entertainment went into the project with far too many so-so ideas instead of a few really good ones. The gags all blend together after a while, and the characters irritate more and more as the movie goes on.
Minions 2 and/or Despicable Me 3 are likely in development because children are stupid. According to Wikipedia, they've not got anything Minion-related on the horizon, but they do have a buttload of Dr. Seuss stuff.
Note: My daughter Buster isn't stupid. As a father, I just think it's important that my kids understand age-relevant pop culture references. So I made sure Dylan saw certain movies before he ran off to college, and I'm making sure Buster isn't going to be left out when her kindergarten friends are talking about the Minions.
Sorry if you were looking for a helpful review, but chances are, you're one of the millions of people who have already enjoyed this. Here it is in a nutshell: Children will likely enjoy this movie; parents will feel like somebody's ripping their skin off piece by piece.
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