Holiday Inn

1942 musical comedy

Rating: 12/20 (Jen: 2/20)

Plot: A guy who dances and a guy who sings have a falling out over a girl, and the latter decides to open up a club that is only open on holidays. You know, like Lincoln's birthday. Then, there's another girl and more dancing and singing.

This movie taught me that I don't even know what an inn is.

I've stayed in Holiday Inns many times, but I don't remember a single one that offered a song-and-dance show with performers in black face to honor Abraham Lincoln's birthday.

I don't even know whose idea it was to watch this, but I'm going to go ahead and blame my wife.

Likely, I'm in the minority here, but I'm not a fan of Bing Crosby's voice. He sounds too much like he's singing. I am a fan of Fred Astaire's dancing, and he gets a really good number here where he goes nuts with some firecrackers. However, there's no other way to look at his character than as a villain. He's a fiendish tap-dancing villain.

This is a subpar musical, not nearly fun enough to make up for having characters who do things that only characters in musicals would do. "White Christmas" is a nice little ditty, but neither of the two scenes in which the song is used are exactly classic movie scene.

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