Four Weddings and a Funeral

1994 romantic comedy

Rating: 14/20

Plot: It's in the title! Why do I have to do all the work for you?

Maybe it's other Hugh Grant movies from the 1990's, but in my memory of seeing this movie when it came out, he charmingly stammered a lot more. Despite the fact that anybody being that smitten with Andie MacDowell is a plot hole, this romantic comedy is almost as charming as Hugh Grant. Most of that is because of the work of Simon Callow as the jolly jackass Gareth. If I ever see this movie again, it will be because of that character's vests and sick dance moves.

Speaking of Andie MacDowell, I believe I saw something about her doing a nude scene in a movie that came out this year. That doesn't have anything to do with Four Weddings and a Funeral, but it seems like something worth mentioning, and when I did a survey about my blog writing a few years back, "things that were worth mentioning" was actually the most popular feature.

And speaking of Andie MacDowell, this is moment in this when she delivers a line ("Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed.") that completely ruins her performance and nearly ruins this entire movie. It's like Anakin Skywalker's delivery of that poorly-written crap about sand in Episode II or the younger Anakin Skywalker's delivery of that poorly-written crap about people looking like angels in Episode I. Now, poor MacDowell isn't given the best material to work with near the very end of this movie, a moment that's supposed to be full of all this big Hollywood-y romance, but her delivery makes this the type of thing an actor should not have been able to recover from.

I saw this movie in a theater when it came out, but I couldn't remember who got married in any of the weddings except the last one. I also couldn't remember whose funeral it was, but if it had been Andie MacDowell's character, it would have saved us all from having to hear that horribly-delivered line about the rain.

Is it just me or is it kind of difficult to root for Hugh Grant's character by the end of this movie? I mean, his dubious taste in women aside, he kind of pulls a dick move, right? Not even the movie's efforts to make his deaf brother a scapegoat really saves the character, does it?

I feel like I've been unnecessarily mean to Andie MacDowell. I hope she doesn't read this when she Googles herself to see if anybody remembers who the hell she is.

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