The Happytime Murders

2018 comedy

Rating: 8/20

Plot: A disgraced former puppet policeman gets back together with an old partner to try to find out who's behind a bunch of puppet murders.

Nothing but frustrating wasted potential in this, a puppet noir movie that probably could have been written by pot-fueled high school drop-outs. There wasn't a single laugh for me in the entire thing. It's poorly written, the writers leaning on nothing but juvenile jokes and having no original story to tell. They try to get a lot of mileage out of having puppets cursing, the sort of thing that might have seemed fresh back in the late-80's when Peter Jackson made Meet the Feebles. And the noirish story doesn't really lampoon anything or even attempt anything clever. It just kind of exists so that the puppets can curse or sometimes ejaculate.

I do not like Melissa McCarthy. She's the female equivalent of Will Ferrell, just kind of showing up and doing her thing (a thing I don't particularly enjoy) in a half-assed production.

My favorite things about this dreadful Brian Henson dreadful movie: watching a puppet smoke and some well-timed product placement for Fiddle Faddle.

I should have just watched the trailer for this one a few times. The movie doesn't actually offer anything that wasn't in the trailer.

I would love to know what Jim Henson would think about this shit.

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