
2018 war-hor movie (I'm sorry about this.)

Rating: 9/20 (But is the movie sorry about this?)

Plot: Soldiers parachute into France in order to destroy a tower before the invasion.

I'm no World War II expert or anything, but I'm fairly positive this movie is not historically accurate.

I didn't enjoy this. It takes itself a little too seriously, and all of its parts seemed very familiar, adding up to a whole that wasn't really a unique experience at all. It seemed like a movie made by Call of Duty fans for Call of Duty fans. Loads of anonymous folks die via bullet and explosion, stock characters (the tough professional soldier, the cocky New Yawkuh with a heart of gold, our anxious protagonist), gross make-up and effects that are at least mostly practical special effects, incomprehensible action sequences. I felt like I was in a video game, and if that kind of thing appeals to you, you might appreciate Overlord.

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