Long Shot

2019 romantic comedy

Rating: 11/20

Plot: I don't want to discuss it.

Charlize Theron is absolutely stunning here. Though this movie is too long, I really don't want to complain about the movie being too long because it gave me two hours to look at Charlize Theron being stunning. Unfortunately, her character doesn't always make complete sense and doesn't really have an arc. Seth Rogan is also stunning though it's in a flatlining performance that has maybe 1 1/2 notes. He gets exasperated sometimes. The two have a surprising chemistry, so it's a shame that they have to exist in a scrip that goes through the motions and gives the characters very little to work with. The movie wasn't very funny--I didn't laugh a single time--and while this occasionally tosses in some political bits, nothing really takes hold. The screenwriters were apparently too busy shoveling in references to Game of Thrones instead.

Hey, that was Andy Serkis! I think he should actually play a character in every single movie that comes out so that people can play the "Hey, that was Andy Serkis!" game. It would be a sensation!

Oh, boy!

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