The Way Things Go

1987 tomfoolery

Rating: 15/20

Plot: In what seems to be a gigantic amount of space, two artists have set up a series of household objects (chairs, ladders, tires, bottles, chemicals, etc.) as some sort of Rube Goldberg machine. After thirty minutes, nothing happens!

Fun to watch. Things roll, explode, bump into each other, revolve, dissolve, fizz, plummet, climb, drip, tip, wobble, inflame, etc. It's filmed without extraneous effects or style, and the only sounds are the sounds the "machine" makes as it functions. There are times when it's seemingly stopped working, and I'm not convinced there wasn't cheating going on. Bonus points should be given for the creation of something that can be described as both filthy and artistic.

Here I am trying not to compare my life to The Way Things Go:

1 comment:

  1. Synchronization!

    "A Duchampian Masterpiece" so says the review of yr film. I just started a new writing project with Duchamp as a central character! well last night I did, let's see how this one fares.
