Blade Runner

1982 sci-fi noir

Rating: 14/20

Plot: Indiana Jones, a retired archaeologist, has been hired as a terminator of replicants. The replicants, androids who feel and think and act like humans, have become illegal. Indiana Jones runs around getting beaten up by five dangerous replicants, falls in love with one of them, and then runs around some more until the movie ends.

I don't like this movie very much. I didn't like it much as a kid when it had the voiceover and the neat-and-tidy happy ending, and I don't like this "super-duper director's cut in yo' facizzle" or whatever it's called. It looks fantastic with non-CGI effects that don't look dated at all. The future urban landscapes, the use of shadows and lights, and the technological imaginings give this atmosphere and create a moodiness typical of 40's-50's noir. Unfortunately, the wooden acting, poor dialogue, and slow-motion pace nearly made me fall asleep. Dylan did fall asleep. I can see this as a movie I might like more if I see it again as an adult, but I don't foresee two hours I'll be willing to spend doing that in my near future, maybe not even in 2019.

Here I am trying to keep my eyes open:

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