A League of Ordinary Gentlemen

2004 bowling documentary

Rating: 14/2o

Plot: Documentary follows the history of the PBA and attempts by new buyers to bring back its relevency and make people stop either changing the channel whenever the sport comes on or at the very least openly mocking it. We follow four professional bowlers at various stages in their careers--a promising new guy, a struggling veteran, the arrogant and flamboyant son of a legend, and the current number one--as they bowl their way toward the goal of winning the championship.

If nothing else, this documentary should get bonus points for managing to make bowling exciting. It's an entertaining documentary, and although there is a lot that you can mock openly, there are also some fairly somber moments and some genuine suspense at the end. My wife will at least be happy that I've watched this because now I've added the "crotch-chop" to my repertoire. Thanks, Pete Weber!

This was a winter rates' recommendation.

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