The Aristocrats

2005 dirty joke

Rating: 12/20

Plot: An enormous collection of some of the world's funniest people and Bob Saget ruminate a filthy vaudevillian joke.

This would have been a lot better if it was about half as long. If nothing else, it helps me discover that I don't think I like comedians very much. The interviews with the comedians are edited to make this into a pissing contest. There's also this vertigo-inducing thing going on where you get rapid quick-cuts of the comedians telling the joke from multiple angles, I guess so the producers can show off the fact that they had more than one camera. I never figured out why that was necessary. There's nothing especially clever about any of this, but it does have a lot of very funny moments and gives a glimpse of the inner workings of how funny people make the funny. Overall, it's not as outrageous as it wants to be and in no way succeeds in being as funny as it thinks it is for ninety minutes. It's definitely not for everybody although there is one scene that I doubt anybody could watch without uttering, "My God! This is the greatest thing ever filmed!" That's right--I'm referring to the scene where the mime delivers his version of the joke. That was comedy gold.


  1. my fav was the south park rendition. my teeth hurt :(

  2. I aslo loved the South Park bit. Also, Bob Saget is one foul dude.

    OK, I'll ask: why the Disney "Aristocats" poster versus the "Aristocrats" poster?

  3. Jen asked the same question re: 'The Aristocats' poster. There isn't really an answer.

  4. I watched this in a hotel room with my dad, on very low volume while he slept... luckily it wasn't LOL worthy at all...i poop and pee on people!
