The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues

1955 B-horror sci-fi flick

Rating: 4/20

Plot: There are mysterious happenings near the beachside campus of a two-room oceanography university. The government sends two men--an FBI guy and a scientist--to run around the beach in their suits and try to figure out what's going on. And what's going on? It's hard to tell. There's a guy shooting harpoons at people. There's a dopey-looking man-sized monster bobbing around and occasionally groping unsuspecting swimmers and boaters. There's a mysterious beam of radioactivity. And a suspicious guy with a suspicious mustache.

This is the second dopiest rubber monster I've seen all year, I think, second only to the similar thing that shuffled through the dreadful Zaat. The scariest thing about this movie and its monster was actually that the "phantom" sort of looked like Jar-Jar Binks in some shots, and I thought I was accidentally watching a film about Gungans. The plot for this one wasn't easy to follow, probably because it didn't interest me enough to even care but also because the characters' motivations weren't always clear. There were double crosses all over the place, but I wasn't always sure who was being crossed. There are some unintentionally humorous bits, mostly because of Wood-esque dialogue and the monster effects, but this is the type of movie that I will forget that I watched in a couple days.

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