The Quiller Memorandum

1966 spy movie

Rating: 15/20 (Jen: 12/20)

Plot: Quentin Quiller is playing an elaborate and deadly game of hide-and-seek with neo-Nazi fiends in Germany. Obi-Wan Kenobi helps him out. Several people try to give him cigarettes, and he gets it on with a sexy school teacher. Not bad for a cheap weekend spy fantasy camp run by amateurs!

"Can I help you?"
"Yes, I'd like two tickets for The Quiller Memorandum."

I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have seen this movie in a theater back in the mid-60s because I wouldn't want to say that title through that little hole in the glass to a person who can probably barely hear me. Even if the man who would later play Obi-Wan Kenobi was in the movie. This could have used some more thrill and a more engaging main character. Segal's Quiller doesn't really do much. But it all works in a kind of quiet way, and there are a couple really good scenes. I also liked the music performed, I believe, by the Quiller Memorandumers. The Pinter-penned script makes this quite a bit different from your average spy movie.

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