Christmas Eve Movie Extravaganza!

We watched A Charlie Brown Christmas, It's a Wonderful Life, and A Christmas Story back-to-back-to-back on Christmas Eve.

The Peanuts gang still has the power to, for whatever reason, arouse me sexually. My psychologist has suggested that I don't discuss this with anybody.

It's a Wondeful Life. . .what can I say? I seem to like it a little more each time I see it. It's far from perfect, but it's a touching story with a great message. I'd bump it up a point to a 15/20, but I think I'll bump it up an extra point and call it Cory's Christmas present. So a 16/20 for me, an 18/20 for Jen, an 11/20 for Dylan, a 12/20 for Emma, and a 17/20 for Abbey.

And A Christmas Story: 16/20 for me. Nobody else in my family had previously seen it. Jen: 16/20; Dylan: 12/20; Emma: 12/20; Abbey: 10/20. I think Peter Billingsly's performance is my favorite child acting performance ever. My home town is mentioned in this movie.

Merry Christmas, four-and-a-half readers!


  1. I am very touched by your present. As quid pro quo, I will bump up "Eraserhead" to a 5.

    There are 20 things I love about "A Christmas Story", but my favorite moment has always been seeing the bundled-ip little brother who can't put his arms down. He reminds me of a human starfish (or maybe I just watch too much "Spongebob"). A 17 and Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Thank you for upgrading your Its a Wonderful Life rating. I think its more a pity rating for Cory and I, but I am not too proud to reject it.

    My favorite moment in A Christmas Story is a tiny one, that always cracks me up. The whole lamp sequence, where the major award arrives, I dont watch Darrin McGavin or Melinda Dillon...I watch Peter Billingsley. He strokes that artificial leg every chance he can get. Every time his mother catches him, but she cant quite figure out his motivations, plus she is distracted by Dads love of the lamp.

    Its a very entertaining movie that got no publicity when it came out, but has been rightfully discovered after a few years. Much like Scrooged, actually.

    I give A Christmas Story an 18.

    I give Its a Wonderful Life a 20. We dont need to discuss that anymore.

    I give A Charlie Brown Christmas a 15. I like it a lot, but it never grabbed me the same way the early comic strip Peanuts did. Its sweet and brings back a lot of childhood memories, but its not funny, and Peanuts, for me, was always funny. At least until the 1980's when Schultz lost it, for whatever reason.
