The Ref

1994 Christmas comedy

Rating: 12/20

Plot: A jewel thief's partner leaves him behind during a burglary gone wrong, and he's forced to abduct a bickering married couple on Christmas Eve. As he plans his escape, things get even more complicated with the arrival of their mischievous son and some other relatives. Can Gus the jewel thief escape before the family drives him completely insane?

I thought this was more irritating than funny. I don't really like Denis Leary anyway, probably because of the way he spells his first name rather than anything to do with his talents or personality, and it seems that all the other characters were written to be obnoxious. I couldn't find a single laugh anywhere in this thing, making it just dark instead of a dark comedy. The premise is clever but predictably written, and majority of the dialogue sounds like it was penned for the purpose of showing audiences how witty the writers are instead of creating realistic, complete characters. There's a lot of talent involved, but it's going to be hard for me to like a movie where I don't actually like any of the characters. The actors try very very hard (probably too hard), and each gets a chance to deliver these foul-mouthed diatribes that come across as mean-spirited but seldom funny. It's impossible for even the best funnymen and funnywomen to be funny without material. Oh well. At least there was a recurring urine joke.

Cory, jolly old elf, recommended this one.


  1. It is interesting that your sense of humor is completely different from Cory's, or mine.

    I liked The Ref. Thought it was pretty funny, and definitely worth a rental every year in the holiday season.

    I would give it a 16

  2. Sorry you didn't like this one, which is why I gave it the **subjective warning**. For me it is biting, intense, and hilarious... sort of like "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" if it were a comedy. Like "Scrooged", the last 15 minutes get too touchy-feely, but I would still give it a 17. The replacement is Don Knotts first film (though it is a small role) "No Time For Sergeants".

  3. 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' isn't a comedy??

    Good news...'Orpheus' is on TCM at 3:00 AM rivals Cocteau's 'Beauty and the Beast'...check it! And '8 1/2' is on Tuesday in the middle of the night, right after 'The Great Dictator'...why are all the great ones on in the middle of the night?

  4. I have seen "8 1/2" and "The Great Dictator". I will add "Orpheus" as a "five" if it is not on at the same time as the Robot Chicken "Star Wars". I do have my standards after all.
