Switchblade Sisters

1975 girl gang movie

Rating: 8/20

Plot: Lace, the leader of a gang called the Dagger Debs, has enough problems with rival gangs. Now she's got to worry about the newest recruit Maggie and the love triangle that has developed with John Revolta and the two of them. She's got tough choices ahead of her, but one thing is for sure--somebody's gonna get knifed!

Jack Hill of Spider Baby and The Wasp Woman fame wrote and directed this knifeploitation classic, the type of trash flick that will have you confused enough to dump an entire tub of popcorn down your pants rather than eat it. Ear-biting, crazy shoot-outs at skating rinks, lines like "Hands off the fruit, faggot!", long fart sound effects, lots of weapons. The acting is universally bad, like an ensemble getting together to make fun of acting in the 1970s. Little cutie Robbie Lee (Lace) is likely the worst of the lot, all snarl and toothiness. You'd know her better as the voice of Twink in a bunch of Rainbow Brite cartoons. I liked the character of Crab, leader of a rival gang, played by Chase Newhart, probably because he reminded me of an imaginary friend I had in middle school. This was Chase Newhart's only acting job unfortunately. Kitty Bruce, daughter of Lenny, also has a part as a poor girl who the others ridicule and abuse. The whole thing builds to a fight scene that, if the movie didn't already have the shoot-out in the skating rink, would have been the most ridiculous fight scene I've seen in a long time. Tarantino recommended this to me.

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