Urine Couch AM Movie Club: 2 Fast 2 Furious

2003 disappointing sequel

Rating: 9/20

Plot: The disgraced former cop from the first movie--you know, the guy with the hair--cuts a deal and agrees to work with an old buddy to help catch a bigtime drug dealer.

That's right! Got to watch these mo-fos back-to-back in the lobby where a Urine Couch used to be. I figured it would be more of the same, but this one bored me to tears. I think it's because the characters move around too much. Boring Paul Walker and his boring face get a sidekick, Tyrese, a guy who seems dynamic only because he gets to work with Paul Walker for the entire movie. Nothing in this derivative plot grabbed me, and I don't think I liked a single character. This really seemed hastily thrown together, an obvious effort to get this to theaters before fans of the first movie forgot there was a first movie. I'm just taking a guess that typical The Fast and the Furious fans are the type of people who forget things. You get some cool cars and a few more-of-the-same action sequences with the cool cars, but this one was so boring that it actually made me want to do motel work. And, folks, that's saying something. Biggest problem: No Vin Diesel. And there's a sentence that I never figured I would type. I wonder if watching a television edit of this affected my level of enjoyment. Regardless, I don't have any interest at all in seeing any of the other ten or so sequels. Then again, Vin Diesel is in three of them.

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