Shane Watches a Bad Movie on Facebook with Friends: Surf Nazis Must Die!

1987 surf nazi movie

Rating: 7/20 (Fred: 12/20; Libby: 12/20; Carrie: 6.5/20; Josh: did not rate)

Plot: Gangs struggle for control of beach territories following an earthquake. The titular Nazis kill the wrong old lady's son, and she decides it's time to take the Nazis out, just as surfing Hitler realizes his dream of being "Fuhrer of the whole beach."

We went with Troma for our Sunday night bad movie viewing "pleasure," and although it's got a great title, some ridiculous characters, and a sex scene that involves what I'll describe as butt gnawing, this isn't one of their better efforts. In fact, there was really only a little bit of effort involved, I think. First, I want to point out that that poster is a little misleading. You don't get to see any surf-sawing action. There's some violence, but there's not all that excitement, and aside from an only slightly-doughy throat cut, a decapitation, and a scene where a boat splits open a Nazi noggin, it doesn't have quite the gross-out buffoonery of other Troma classics. It does have some of their typically great writing though. ("Slime-sucking neanderthals." "Take the head off a honky at 20 paces.") Peter George directed this, and he's only got one other film to his name--an adaptation of Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story "Young Goodman Brown." That doesn't seem quite right to me. The characters are interesting enough that this movie really could have been a lot better. My friends and I liked the grandmother, played by Gail Neely who was in a Naked Gun sequel, Earth Girls Are Easy, and a bunch of Philips Milk of Magnesia commercials. Hitler (Barry Brenner, a coroner in both Maniac Cop and Maniac Cop 2) had a disappointing mustache, but Hook and the demented Mengele were both fun characters. There's even a Clockwork Orange reference in there. Of course, there's also a ton of surfing montages and barely any plot at all, both which can be frustrating. This isn't higher echelon Troma, but there's enough in there to make fans of the company happy enough. There's also plenty for you history buffs out there! 

Weird thing I noticed: Graffiti on the wall saying, "Give a hot beer injection to a lifeless corpse." Is that a reference to something or a non sequitur?

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