It's a Disaster

2012 black comedy

Rating: 14/20

Plot: The world begins ending while eight oblivious people try to enjoy a couples' dinner.

First off, that's a great poster. Am I allowed to give a movie bonus points for a poster? This is better than the other recent apocalyptic comedy, the one with all the big names, but it's might not be as funny. This is understated, and that's good because sitcom-style buffoonery would have ruined it. This forces you to focus on the characters and their relationships more anyway. It's more about that than the end-of-the-world fun. Aside from a scene with a neighbor, the minor character who lets the main characters know about the titular disaster, and a brilliant punchline that punctuates the story, the comedy isn't obvious at all. Two characters play the closest thing to comedic oddballs--the beautiful Rachel Boston and whoever played her boyfriend (I can't even recall what he looks like)--but everybody else plays this like straight drama, even David Cross, the most famous of the group. The screenplay has the characters bouncing around from conversation to conversation or uncomfortable situation to uncomfortable situation, and after a while, you sort of want something to happen. I did like that ending though. Maybe it was just a combination of a dinner party, some hipster characters, and the black comedy, but I was reminded of The Last Supper when watching this. I need to see that movie again. Anyway, great poster.

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