The Brood

1979 piece of garbage

Rating: 3/20

Plot: A guy you won't care about is raising his daughter by himself as his wife receives treatment with a experimental psychologist. The wife and doctor role-play, and it's during these sessions that her rage in the form of midgets (maybe children) are unleashed to bludgeon old people and school teachers. The guy you don't care about has to get to the bottom of things before whatever else is going to happen happens.

Admittedly, I'm not David Cronenberg's biggest fan. I got this only for the midgets. It's absolute crap--90 minutes of really cheap horror gags, terrible actors acting terribly their way through a trashy story, and more cheap horror gags. There's bad child acting that actually doesn't look as bad compared to the bad acting from the adults, most notably the husband, the psychologist, the crazy guy, the old people, and the wife. It took me three nights to get through this one, and I wouldn't put myself through it again if I were my own worst enemy. And speaking of enemies: David Cronenberg, after that overhyped History of Violence and this, you have made yourself an enemy!

Here I am enjoying the ultimate experience of outer pudding:

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