Buster Keaton Saturday: Three Ages

1923 comedy

Rating: 14/20 (Dylan: 11/20; Emma: 16/20; Abbey: 20/20)

Plot: Parallel stories about romance and and rivalry from the Stone Age, the Roman Empire, and modern times. Buster falls in love with the girl, courts the girl, confronts a rival, has some kind of challenge, and overcomes obstacles to eventually win over the girl.

Dylan: "The chariot race in this movie is the greatest chariot race in the history of cinema."

Emma: "I still didn't get my spot on the couch."

Abbey: "I liked all the funny parts. My favorite part was when Buster used the [spear] to [pole vault] up to save the girl."

Buster's first independently produced movie!


  1. I thought this was the weekend for "The Cameraman". Oh well.

  2. Me too. I thought my kids would like the monkey. Unfortunately, I was mistaken and actually don't own 'The Cameraman,' I guess because it was filmed following his studio change. We'll watch it next week fo' realz!
