How's Your News?

1999 documentary

Rating: 4/20

Plot: A group of individuals with varying degrees of mental handicap are exploited by filmmakers to make a road trip from east to west coast incoherently interviewing folks along the way. This film tracks their stops in Connecticut, New York, D.C. Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Las Vegas, and Venice Beach.

The four points I gave this movie were for the street musician on roller blades at Venice Beach. That guy's pretty awesome. Honestly, I should probably give props to the news reporters as they enthusiastically attempt to interview every day people. Sometimes completely obliviously. Seriously, one guy is entirely unintelligible and another guy is just rolled onto the sidewalk and left there with no ability to communicate to wag a microphone at perplexed passers-by. Thing is, there is absolutely no point to any of this. There's nothing revealed about the average American in this like in that Borat movie. There's nothing accidentally revealing about what handicapped people are capable of accomplishing. There's no big discovery, no drama, no developing story. All this ever succeeds in being is mildly interesting and quirkily humorous, and that, I believe, makes the whole thing appalling. If you've seen this and know that I'm missing something (entirely possible with me), then let me know.

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