My Little Pony: The Movie

2017 animated pony movie

Rating: 11/20 (Buster: 20/20)

Plot: Ponies are trying to throw a party or put on a concert and are interrupted when a unicorn with a busted horn shows up with some monsters and trashes things. Some guy calling himself Storm King is behind the whole thing. Some of the ponies--the ones whose names some parents might know--escape and go to find help.

I went on a little date with my best friend to see this movie. Afterward, we went to the grocery store to get supplies for S'mores. She had a good time, and that's really all that matters.

I'm not sure I'm the audience for this movie. There was one other family in the theater, and then there really was an adult male sitting by himself. He had a big tub of popcorn. I'm not sure what his deal was.

I don't know what to say about this movie. It was colorful enough, but it had some terrible songs in it and none of the humor worked. Also, I'm fairly positive that everything that happens in this movie is something that's already happened in another animated feature. I don't really like these ponies, but again, I'm probably not the audience for this.

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