Happy Death Day 2U

2019 sequel

Rating: 6/20

Plot: No synopsis is available for this one.

Here's how I started my write-up for Happy Death Day: "What the hell am I doing with my life?"

I didn't like the first one and had no interest in the sequel. But here I am writing about how much I hated this second one. And once again, I'm wondering what the hell I am doing with my life.

The first had a semi-interesting time-loop premise. This one incorporates the multiverse and quantum physics, albeit in a half-assed way. It's a long and winding road of stupidity, the biggest downfall of the movie likely being that it doesn't seem to notice how stupid it is. It doesn't take itself 100% seriously. There's a lot of attempted humor, but it doesn't work because the characters are so unlikable. The emotional beats don't work at all. There's a lot of clumsiness with scenes involving the main character's mother, one scene where she pops in unexpectedly and just stands smiling for what seems to be about five minutes. Another scene involving a candle was a real groaner.

I actually still can't past the fact that the main character's name is Tree. What the fuck? I can't tell what's worse--that candle scene, the "You're screwed" line in this, or the woman's name being Tree.

I was really hoping Liquid Python was a real product.

Who came up with the title for this--Prince?

I'd write more about how much I hate this movie, but I need to research the etymology of the term "holy shit balls."

I don't know what the hell I'm doing with my life.

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