Zombie 2

1979 zombie sequel that isn't a sequel

Rating: 11/20

Plot: When her father's boat is found without any father on it, a woman travels to a Caribbean island to find him. She finds zombies instead!

Called Zombie 2 by those nutty Italians to capitalize on the success of Dawn of the Dead, this movie has nothing in common with Romero's classic with the exception of lots of shambling. Following an intriguing opening shot with a gun pointed directed at the camera, a shot that would have had the effect of making me believe I was watching this while held at gunpoint or something even though I willingly selected it, this shuffles along from plot point to plot point to get to the absurdly over-the-top shots of gore. Zombies, when they don't look like children's papier-mache that were left in the sun too long, gobble up intestines, bite through jugulars, and have balls of worms where their eyeballs should go.

Speaking of eyeballs, there's a very graphic eye injury in this movie. With graphic eyeball wounds in John Wick and Brightburn and now this, this is becoming the summer of the eyeball for me.

The film's best sequence starts with some nearly-nude scuba diving before shifting to a scene where a zombie fights a shark. I don't believe George Romero ever showed us anything like that!

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