Henry Fool

1997 movie

Rating: 13/20

Plot: A garbageman named Simon meets the titular failed writer who helps his inner poet emerge.

This movie was so long, and although I really liked the performances of Thomas Jay Ryan as Henry, James Urbaniak as Simon, and Parker Posey as neither Henry or Simon, I didn't like their characters at all. There were some darkly comic moments in this, but like the Hal Hartley shorts I was tricked into watching, I found the whole thing agonizingly pretentious. And too long. I don't know exactly what it is, but I just have trouble trusting this movie, and its messages seemed muddled to me. It was like the Paul Ryan of movies. It should be noted that I watched this movie while extremely sleepy, however. It's probably the type of movie that I should give a second chance to, but it's just so freakin' long and I probably won't.

My brother recommended this one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i dont know that i really recommended it. remember zeitgest director of the 90s. i dont know what to make of the whole child molestation thing.