Shane Watches a Bad Movie on Facebook with Friends: Zeta One

1969 English psychedelic sci-fi perversity

Rating: 6/20 (Eric: 12/20; Fred: 14/20; Libby: 15/20)

Plot: Alien women from the planet Angvia kidnap earth women in order to repopulate their planet. It's told in flashback to a guy who might be James Bond.

This flick, which has a nearly incomprehensible story, is also called The Love Factor. It's a cheeky and silly sex romp from the groovy late-60s, like a Barberella where nobody involved tried very hard. There are some cool sets and costumes, but there's also a strip poker scene that goes on for about twenty minutes and goes absolutely nowhere. Although I'm not complaining about Yutte Stensgaard at all, don't get me wrong. Kinkiness abounds, but there's not much else going for this mess of a movie. It lacks the style and personality of the aforementioned Barberella and has a story that you feel like you're wading through.

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