I Married a Monster from Outer Space

1958 science fiction movie

Rating: 10/20

Plot: A planet is destroyed, and the inhabitants are faced with a problem. The solution is to have an invasion of our planet and snatch the bodies of males with plans to later impregnate the females. Ob la di, ob la da, life goes on. Unfortunately for perky-breasted Marge, she's married one of the fiends and nobody believes her when she tries to warn the others. Oh, snap!

Pretty derivative and predictable 50's sci-fi slop with some really goofy special effects. I especially enjoyed watching the car hit the mannequin, the fuzzy mist that envelops the humans whenever their bodies are taken over, and the guy's head that turns into semi-congealed pudding near the end. Really clumsy comic relief brings things down, especially since the science fiction stuff is played entirely too seriously.

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