Killer's Kiss

1955 smudgy noir

Rating: 13/20

Plot: Well, ignore the poster to the left. Whoever made that apparently wasn't allowed to watch this entire movie first. Her soft mouth was the road to sin-smeared violence!? What? A washed-up boxer gets mixed up in the volatile relationship between a dancer and her ex-lover/employer. Murder, a mix-up, a kidnapping. Oh, snap!

Kubrick's first movie is far from terrific, but there are some visually interesting moments that foreshadow the auteur's later work. It also contains one of the dopiest fight scenes I've ever seen and definitely the dopiest I've ever seen in a mannequin factory. I mean that as a compliment, of course. The story is derivative, and tacked-on ending is especially bad, but this is still a fun little movie with some really cool moments.

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